Friday, May 31, 2013

It's almost time...oh wait, it IS time!

So funny thing. My book is all set to come out June 4. That's Tuesday. Yeah. Tuesday. Then you can all read CHARCOAL AND HOT CHOCOLATE  and wish River was real just like I do. But I digress.

I've been preparing for Tuesday to be the day I Squee all day long. The day I freak out with my friends. The day I either yell, Yes I did it! or I rock in the corner due to my huge, epic and very public failure.

As it turns out, you can't micromanage this stuff as well as I'd like and it went live in the Kindle store last night and up for pre-sale on Kobo this morning. Holy cow.

I did the squeeing. I did the freak out. I did the flailing. Then I woke this morning and thought was that a dream. So I checked my Kindle stats and sure enough, I have sales. Seriously, I feel like Jimmy Buffett and truly understand his "I have been drunk now for over two weeks" words of wisdom. Clearly he wrote about that feeling when his book came out.

I'm flat out giddy. Now needless to say, sales are going to have to pick up or I will be rocking in the corner, but that fact that I have sales and support from my gorgeous and wonderful friends and family BEFORE my release day, it makes you redefine success, and I've achieved it.

I used to think (and by used to I mean yesterday morning) success would be when I sold 1000 copies. Or 10, 000. Or put out a second book. Or put out five. But honestly success is finishing what you started. Being proud of what you put out there. And having amazing people surround you to say, "You did it!" "I knew you could!" and "I'm so proud of you!"

That's the best success anyone can ask for.

Add me on Goodreads and follow me on Twitter.
And of course, join this blog!

                                                              Obligatory hot guy gif:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hey there my lovely followers and friends. Today's the day and I'm just flailing about, but not too much because I don't want to spill  my coffee! Oh who am I kidding? I'm literally twirling from room to room.



I'm completely in love with this cover. It really captures Ellie and River and their spirit. So without further ado - TA_DAH!!!

Isn't it pretty? I'm just going to sit here and weep and swoon over it and the fact that my name is on there.

Here's what it's about:

College life is a breath of fresh air for 20 year old Ellie Baylor, a painfully shy but beautiful art major. She has her canvas and charcoal and that's more than enough. Her choice to go to school far from home and the watchful eye of her strict parents seems like the perfect thing for smooth sailing into a easy life. But when River Daniels,  a charming artist with eyes the color of hot chocolate, asks her to join him in a project for class, Ellie may get more than just an A. She might find out how to live.

CHARCOAL AND HOT CHOCOLATE releases June 4th and you can add it here on GoodReads. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The clock is ticking...

Hey friends. So I'm doing a bit of a freak out today. Here's why:

                                         One week until cover reveal.

                                           One month until the book goes live.

                                  One month. One week. One very loud OHMYGODITSREAL!!!!

I just got back from a writer's conference and met so many people. Right now, are you trying to figure out if you met me or not? I went as myself, obviously. But as I'm not good at the sneaky, I blabbed my pen name to most people.

But back to the point. As I walked around and worked (I intern for an amazing agent) and talked to other authors, it became real. This was really happening. I sat with new friends and they would introduce me as an author who has a book coming out June fourth. Commence daily freak out.

But the most interesting thing about the whole experience is that the readers I met and the authors who had thirty books under their belt had the same look on their face. The look said good for you, good luck, and I can't wait to read all at once. No matter what part of the journey we're in, the writing and reading community is so unbelievably supportive. Everyone goes through it and wants to help the next person have an easier time because we love books, and stories, and all the words!

So, make sure you take some time to read today and tomorrow and everyday after that. The people putting out those books you love from the writer, the critique partners, the publicist, the editor, the agent, the indie, the cover designer - they are just as excited as you. They all work hard to make it worth your time.

I'll see you back in a week for the cover reveal. Spoiler: I'm in love with it.